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Innovation Skåne operates for a sustainable and coherent mobility in Greater Copenhagen, for reduced emission levels and for better public health through active relocations.

But solving these challenges is not something an individual does on its own, we are more dependent on cooperation and partnership than ever before. Therefore, Innovation Skåne invites you to participate in our cross-border network, consisting of actors from both sides of the Sound Oresund with the common interest of contributing to a region that aims to become a world leader in sustainable mobility.

Do you want join us or want to know more about how we work? Contact us here. Together, we define both needs and possible solutions. Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

    News and market intelligenceEvents, seminars and networkingCollaborationsBusiness advice for startups and established businessesProjectsOther


    Innovation Skåne runs, together with Gate 21 and Region Huvudstaden, Mobility Forum. This is where private companies, public authorities and other actors within mobility can gather to share knowledge and experiences. The purpose is to create opportunities for new collaborations and to strengthen the possibility for new business ideas and mobility solutions to grow.

    Mobility Forum is a LinkedIn-group, that is open to all actors within mobility. It is geographically based in Greater Copenhagen. You are welcome to join – together we create sustainable and coherent mobility for all residents of Greater Copenhagen.


    Malin Larsson

    Innovation Manager, Mobilitet
    +46 702 107 858