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We lead or participate in several innovation projects together with partners from the public and private sector and academia. Here you find information about our ongoing projects, and further down the page there’s information about a selection of our completed projects.

Implements intelligent lighting for increased energy efficiency, improved work environment and health.
Adapted and sustainable lighting
Unique project electrifies the road network on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration.
Testing electric roads for the future
The largest network of healthtech companies in the Nordics, companies with innovative world-class digital healthcare solutions.
HealthTech Nordic – supports new solutions
Developing digital accessibility for children and young people with mental health issues and their relatives.
Better digital accessibility at BUP Skåne
A network that increases innovative power in the food system and accelerates growth in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Foodtech Innovation Network
Supports development of better solutions for people with multimorbidity for better cohesive care and increased quality of life.
CareMatrix – procurement & development
A growing community of European Healthcare organisations interested in procurement of innovation
Procure 4Health
Unique test in Skåne of a service that makes it easier to combine different sustainable transport services.
Combined mobility in Skåne
A national initiative aiming at ending childhood obesity at the start of the school year 2030.
Preventing childhood obesity
EIT Health is a European network aiming at creating better health, better healthcare systems and a sustainable health economy.
Coordinates EIT Health in Skåne
Paves the way for citizens in urban and rural areas to choose green transport in everyday life.
Mobility across borders
Develops a new digital solution together with patients and healthcare staff for better and more economically sustainable care.
Chronic renal failure – strengthened self-care ability
Contributes to better healthcare services and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises’ new digital health services.
Digi Health Skåne-Blekinge
Finished projects
Utilizing new technical solutions to support sustainable mobility in and across Greater Copenhagen.
Intelligent mobility of the future
Strengthens the entrepreneurial ecosystem around sustainable materials in southern Sweden.
Materials of the future
Hide finished projects